jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

A party

I remember a party where I enjoy a lot, this was in Valparaiso for “Encuentro Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Geografia” (ELEG) on October of the year 2014. In the same date was the carnival “Mil Tambores”, in this participated the batucada’s FAU (Sonido de Lucha), here plays some partners of geography. They arrived with your drums at camping where we were with the people of ELEG. The first night they plays and the party start, was beautiful, all people dancing at rhythm of drums. Each was in your “volada”, enjoy the music. Each was enjoy, without worrying about anything else. Really, for my, this moment was magic. We were camping in a beautiful place: this was a natural conservation park in Laguna Verde. This had a lot of vegetation, I love it. This day I met a Colombian girl, Carolina. She was very sympathetic, we had fun talk and dancing. We still talk, thanks to facebook. I want to travel to Colombia next year and Carolina said me that go, that she give me house. Besides Carolina, I met several people, with some I play Andean music. For all this things, I enjoy a lot this party.  

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

A subject that i like!

Good morning teacher and partners, in this opportunity I tolk about a subject of geography that I like. This is “Gestión integrada de zonas costeras” (GIZC), it taught me Andrea Cabezas, she’s geography and works doing a projects for an integrated management between all the elements, actors and instruments of the coastal zone, is a way of understanding the coastal system as a whole.
In this course I learned to make an integrated analysis of the coastal zone, I learned that every system is different, therefore each management plan should be done by analyzing the characteristics of each ecosystem, this will require working directly with the community. For me, this meant a great learning experience, as this can be applied to all areas of geography. Besides all that, I liked the course because Andrea taught us many methods of how to do this management directly in the territory, a fact that is missing on other courses, where only teach the theoretical.

There is not anything in particular that I did not like the course, just the fact of not being able to attend all classes, because I had to work, but that's my responsibility. 
In the future I would do my practice with Andrea, I feel her as a person and as a professionalis is someone from whom you can learn a lot.
So partners, when you have this course, I recommend you take it seriously, go to class and read the text, you learn a lot, it will be a big step in this road to become geographers.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

A nice place

Hello teacher and partners, today I will talk about a place that I like to go. This is the “Estadio Nacional”, in particular a fields located between Marathon and Guillermo Man. All my life I lived in this neighborhood, so these courts became my garden. There used to go with my father, my brother and our dogs. We were going to play ball, jogging and playing with the dogs. In the summer, when Santiago and your cement become unbearable, this is an ideal place to be, its trees and grass help regulate temperature, plus there are hoses with watering and end up being the play of several of us. I love it, it's that little green space where I start when the city collapses and I need to connect with nature. It is very quiet, especially in the week, the weekend occupy the fields for the tournament of the commune and full of families barbequing, drinking beer and watching football I like this, but I prefer the quiet and solitude. Now I'm not as much as before, in fact I'm not going years with my father and my brother, I started to go alone, to think, smoking marijuana, playing dulcimer and disconnect the rhythm of this city. The last time I went with a friend, it was nice, we had not seen in a long time and there we could talk and laugh for hours. Hopefully this space continues to be open to the public and not privatized as with everything in this country.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

I wish...

For some time I have wanted to have a garden at home, but for various reasons I have not been able to make. The main reason why I want to have the garden, is the poor quality of food offered by the market today, where you just have food contaminated by pesticides and other inputs used in the industry agronomy. In addition to the garden give me a healthy diet, it can give me herbs that will serve as medicine for diseases. I would also put flowers in the garden, I love them, I am filled with happiness just to see them and smell them. And obviously would give a place a flower, that in my opinion, is the most beautiful and the most I like: marijuana.
I have already started with the construction of the garden (which I want to do with disposable materials and organic), so far I have planted marijuana and I've gotten some organic seeds of different species, so I'm on track !!

Good morning friends !!

This morning I am going to write about a little peruvian restaurant
(sp) what I like to go. In this moment I have really hungry and remember the restauratn mke (sp) my stomach sound (wf). Well, the restaurat is called "El Puroperú", his owners are peruvians and many of the workers also are preuvians. This restauran be (t) on Av. Macul between Los Platanos and Quilin, it is at two bloks of my hause (sp). I like this restaurant (sp)  because the food is very tasty, specially for the condiments; you can eat meat (calf, pig chicken (p)), fish or shellfish, also they have seviche, aji de gallina, the (p) plates are with rice and delicious sauces. To finish the lunch I like to eat dessert, specially Suspiro Limeño. The last time I went to Puroperú was the last weekend with my mother who invite to me (p). In others times I have been go with my grandmother when she (p) comes to Santiago to visit us, or also with my friend or my mother's friend or with a lot of family.
Also, in the restaurant
(sp) put good music, traditional peruvian music or in some times music of another country. The decoration is too simple, just some painting or postal of Perú, I remember one of Macchu Picchu. I alway (sp) have been feel (t) confortable (sp) in that place.
The Puroperú restauratn ar
(sp) twice (ww), and the other is located in the same Av Macul but toward the north on the intersection with Los Alerces. One time I went with my mother and cousin to the other local.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Con-Ga Sushi

Close to my house there is a new restaurant, that was opened last year, but I went for first time this year.Your name is Con-Ga Sushi, because this here next to "Conga", a place for dancing salsa. This is a restaurant of diferents food, like Japoanese food, pizzas and Chilean food, but away food that more I like, is ceviche. The restaurant is located in a parallel street to the west of my house, on Avda. Vicuña Mackena, I go there by bike and arrive in 5 minutes. The owner of restaurant is a young Chilean woman that live in the same building that live my brother, this are next to restaurant. One of things that more I like about this is that here they accept card Junaeb, this is a feeding grant provided by the state, which usually can only occupy in junk food restaurants, what I find is horrible, because they force you to eat poorly. For this I love this place, have rich and healthy food, it is near my house, is paid by the State through the grant and the people who attend are very friendly. Another thing that has going for it, is that they make deliveries, then when I'm too lazy to go out, I order by watsap and arrives at door of my house, what better! This restaurant I found it through the internet when with my boyfriend were looking where you could use the card Junaeb. We started going often enough, then I started going with my friends and sometimes when I'm home alone, I call home delivery and eat alone, watching a movie or documentary.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

A Concert or Exhibition

Music is a fundamental element in my life, but I do not usually go to concerts, because my financial budget is limited. But this year I was one who loved me and it was worth paying for this. The concert was on April 30th this year and was called "Festival de la Cosecha", this was in "Matucana 100" (cultural center where concerts usually do). The name of the concert was because at that time usually marijuana is grown. In this festival there were several groups of music, different types: cumbia, hip-hop and punk: Banda Conmoción, Fiskales Ad Hok, Guachupé, Anarkia Tropikal, Chorizo Salvaje y Salvaje Decibel. This latter group play political hip-hop, is the that more I liked me and with more enjoyment, I wish they would have played longer. Cumbia groups equally much liked, because I could dance a lot. At this festival I went with my boyfriend, his brother, his girlfriend and Jochimin (a Frenchman friend who was exchange in geography), they are very good friends of mine, therefore, had super good, danced and laughed a lot. In the place I meet some acquaintance, another significant event and very regrettable was the fall of the vocalist of Los Fiskales, Alvaro España, he fell from the stage and was seriously injured, an ambulance arrived to take him emergency. Thanks to life, now he is in perfect condition and was only a scare. In conclusion, despite the fact that Alvaro España fell, this was a great concert and a beautiful moment of happiness with friends.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Field Trip

In this four years that I have been in Geography I have traveled to interesting places, but  one that i liked more than all, it is a travel to the glacier “Juncal Norte”. This is located at the height of country of Los Andes, but towards the mountains, near the border with Argentina, beyond of "Los Libertadores". This field trip I did thanks that subject “Introducción a la Glaciología” with the teacher Francisco Ferrando. The field trip lasted 3 days, the first day started from the FAU in the bus of the university, this left us a few of kilometers beyond “Los Libertadores”, from there we started walking towards the mountains for over six hours, was a treking very exhausting but with beautiful landscape, making the treking was very pleasant. We arrived at appropriate place to camp, here stayed the nigth, we made a fire and played cards while we drank vodka with ice taken from the mountain. This nigth that was falling stars, all our classmate had gone to sleep, but Pablo and I were watching us the cosmos. We met two boys who were camping there, together smoked a very rich marijuana and chatted about life, it was a very enjoyable time. The next day, very early, we start the trek to the glacier. We crossed a mighty river it was very entertaining to me. We walked about 3 hours, until we reached the glacier, it was majestic, the most beautiful thing I've seen. We walk on the glacier tongue with granpones, it was only ice and glacier water slides. I thank life for this trip and I recommend to all.