A party
I remember a party where I enjoy a lot, this was
in Valparaiso for “Encuentro Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Geografia”
(ELEG) on October of the year 2014. In the same date was the carnival “Mil
Tambores”, in this participated the batucada’s FAU (Sonido de Lucha), here
plays some partners of geography. They arrived with your drums at camping where
we were with the people of ELEG. The first night they plays and the party
start, was beautiful, all people dancing at rhythm of drums. Each was in your “volada”,
enjoy the music. Each was enjoy, without worrying about anything else. Really,
for my, this moment was magic. We were camping in a beautiful place: this was a
natural conservation park in Laguna Verde. This had a lot of vegetation, I love
it. This day I met a Colombian girl, Carolina. She was very sympathetic, we had
fun talk and dancing. We still talk, thanks to facebook. I want to travel to
Colombia next year and Carolina said me that go, that she give me house. Besides
Carolina, I met several people, with some I play Andean music. For all this
things, I enjoy a lot this party.
this party was wonderful, specially the concert at the Agora