jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Field Trip

In this four years that I have been in Geography I have traveled to interesting places, but  one that i liked more than all, it is a travel to the glacier “Juncal Norte”. This is located at the height of country of Los Andes, but towards the mountains, near the border with Argentina, beyond of "Los Libertadores". This field trip I did thanks that subject “Introducción a la Glaciología” with the teacher Francisco Ferrando. The field trip lasted 3 days, the first day started from the FAU in the bus of the university, this left us a few of kilometers beyond “Los Libertadores”, from there we started walking towards the mountains for over six hours, was a treking very exhausting but with beautiful landscape, making the treking was very pleasant. We arrived at appropriate place to camp, here stayed the nigth, we made a fire and played cards while we drank vodka with ice taken from the mountain. This nigth that was falling stars, all our classmate had gone to sleep, but Pablo and I were watching us the cosmos. We met two boys who were camping there, together smoked a very rich marijuana and chatted about life, it was a very enjoyable time. The next day, very early, we start the trek to the glacier. We crossed a mighty river it was very entertaining to me. We walked about 3 hours, until we reached the glacier, it was majestic, the most beautiful thing I've seen. We walk on the glacier tongue with granpones, it was only ice and glacier water slides. I thank life for this trip and I recommend to all.

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