jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

A subject that i like!

Good morning teacher and partners, in this opportunity I tolk about a subject of geography that I like. This is “Gestión integrada de zonas costeras” (GIZC), it taught me Andrea Cabezas, she’s geography and works doing a projects for an integrated management between all the elements, actors and instruments of the coastal zone, is a way of understanding the coastal system as a whole.
In this course I learned to make an integrated analysis of the coastal zone, I learned that every system is different, therefore each management plan should be done by analyzing the characteristics of each ecosystem, this will require working directly with the community. For me, this meant a great learning experience, as this can be applied to all areas of geography. Besides all that, I liked the course because Andrea taught us many methods of how to do this management directly in the territory, a fact that is missing on other courses, where only teach the theoretical.

There is not anything in particular that I did not like the course, just the fact of not being able to attend all classes, because I had to work, but that's my responsibility. 
In the future I would do my practice with Andrea, I feel her as a person and as a professionalis is someone from whom you can learn a lot.
So partners, when you have this course, I recommend you take it seriously, go to class and read the text, you learn a lot, it will be a big step in this road to become geographers.

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