jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

Good morning friends !!

This morning I am going to write about a little peruvian restaurant
(sp) what I like to go. In this moment I have really hungry and remember the restauratn mke (sp) my stomach sound (wf). Well, the restaurat is called "El Puroperú", his owners are peruvians and many of the workers also are preuvians. This restauran be (t) on Av. Macul between Los Platanos and Quilin, it is at two bloks of my hause (sp). I like this restaurant (sp)  because the food is very tasty, specially for the condiments; you can eat meat (calf, pig chicken (p)), fish or shellfish, also they have seviche, aji de gallina, the (p) plates are with rice and delicious sauces. To finish the lunch I like to eat dessert, specially Suspiro Limeño. The last time I went to Puroperú was the last weekend with my mother who invite to me (p). In others times I have been go with my grandmother when she (p) comes to Santiago to visit us, or also with my friend or my mother's friend or with a lot of family.
Also, in the restaurant
(sp) put good music, traditional peruvian music or in some times music of another country. The decoration is too simple, just some painting or postal of Perú, I remember one of Macchu Picchu. I alway (sp) have been feel (t) confortable (sp) in that place.
The Puroperú restauratn ar
(sp) twice (ww), and the other is located in the same Av Macul but toward the north on the intersection with Los Alerces. One time I went with my mother and cousin to the other local.

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