miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

What I Did Today (December 10th)

I remember this date, I remember several things happened. First I went of class since I had to pay the bills, otherwise the company cut off the supply of electricity and gas. This same day I sold strawberry juice, I went very well. The funny thing is that the money that I received I had to occupy it to pay the locksmith, because I left the keys in the house. Now is funny, but in this moment I was very angry with myself, but once again I realized that money comes and goes. 
This day too I went to see a documentary about anti patriarchy, I went with a friend, he that now is my partner. I remember that we talk a lot about this subject, too many things about the life and the political-economic system what alienating the human. I feel that in that moment we connected.
                                                                    Goodbye 2015!

If I had to define this year in one word, it would be intense. This was a year of learning, it is true that life itself is a learning process, but the situations I lived this year have penetrated deep into my being.
The year began very quiet, I was traveling the two first months, this was time of know myself. The following months I enjoyed the love with my partner. We returned after a breakup of eight months, now was love more mature. But we were wrong again, we forget respect the individuality of each. The problem was that we were no longer just us two. We had to take a decision very complex, because both though completely different. Finally, and after much discussions, I gave up. Now that I reflect on this, I feel what I did was for love and it means letting go of what I wanted, fot privilege the good of others. This lesson has meant much pain for my. But I feel that this new year will be the moment of pick all learnings, will be the moment of enjoy this, this was what I thought when I was more sad and it was what helped me to move on. And now I know that's life, sometimes sweet and others times sour, just need to be calm and learn from each experience.