jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Gender Roles

Gender Roles

  1.         Describe the situation in your own words and express your opinion.

The talk is about a woman that fought for her freedom and for her rights in Saudi Arabia. In this country it is taboo that women drive cars. She broke this taboo, when she, tired for the harassments she had to face trying to find a ride back home, drove. This act caused two different reactions in the society; some attacking her and others given your supportive. In her country she was started receiving threats of die and rape. While out her country she received the support and admiration of men and women of different countries.
In my opinion, this type of sexist rules only generates more injustices and represses the liberty of the people. But both that all us know this injustices, none does some for change this situation. It's for this reason that the talk of this woman; her story and her courage for go in the opposite the established, that I feel inspired for she. I think that if we liberate of this type of manners and rules that we have so immersed in the unconscious of our minds like society, us we could evolve like human race. Because our genres shouldn't define that we can do.

And if we want equality into society, we should treat us like equal persons; regardless genre.