jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

At the moment I am reading “El Despertar De Los Cuervos”, this is written by a Chilean journalist called Javier Rebolledo. He works investigating about the torture at the Pinochet dictatorship. The text focuses on what happened at Tejas Verdes, this was a torture center located in San Antonio. Here was created DINA; military secret organization devoted to the repression of opponents of the dictatorship. Within the text are the statements of surviving victims and soldiers who participated in these violations of human rights.
Since I was a teenager, I was interested to know more about what happened in dictatorship. I always read about the reasons that led the military coup, about intervention of the United States and the crimes that were committed. But it's the first time I read the statement of victims of the dictatorship. In these statements the victims tell in detail the atrocities committed in Tejas Verdes, details that have impacted me. In parts of the text I had to stop reading, so strong the events that occurred. I never imagined that man could have so much evil in his heart, I never thought that man could be capable of such atrocities.
One fact that stands out and that the last few days have made headlines is the participation of Cristian Labbé at Tejas Verdes. The former mayor of Providence was recognized by one of the victims on the text, this happened in a session of torture where the victim was rushed hood covering his face, then he saw Cristian Labbé, two soldiers, a doctor and a nurse. Currently, Cristian Labbé is being investigated for these crimes.

From the bottom of my heart I hope that all those who participated in these horrible violations of human rights pay for the damage caused. And if justice is not achieved in the courts, who succeeded in life.

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014

Added at the class in the university I work as secretarial, then my first week of the break winter I was working and the only distraction was play zampoña and make some crafts with recycling. But I felt that I needed a break, then I request one week of break and I went to Valle del Elqui with some friends. We travel for different localities This was the best decision I could have done, in this place I thought about of many subject that had me worried and I can resolve this. Added to this I knew places and people very beautiful.
I feel that this week more that a week of relax or fun, was a week of introspection. This makes me very happy and peaceful. Now I feel prepared for make some things that before scared me.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Chilean Education

Chilean Education.

Historically the chilean education has been unequal, this depends of the socioeconomic status of the people. Generally for to have a quality education, you must spend a lot of money on this. By contrast, if you don’t have money you can only access to a state education, that in the chilean case is very deficient.  Inside state education can be accessed to "flagship" schools, these schools are selective; you need to pass an exam where your cognitive skills are measured.
I think that the inequalities that exist in our country beginning with the educational system because access to education is defined by socioeconomic status we belong; if you born poor, you will die poor. The access to education should be free and equal of all and that according to the skills of each are development capable of attaining.
Also we are studying as machines around eleven years only to sit an exam that measures skills circumstantial (PSU), ignoring more important topics that form us as people and citizens.
In my opinion, this is an unjust and empty education, system that search it just keeps the stalled power in a few people, they favor them this system creates only producing machines.

I think that only the abolition of the current system and the implementation of a new system that does not consider people as production machines, but as a humans who need to develop different skills will make this system and our country a better place to live.

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Gender Roles

Gender Roles

  1.         Describe the situation in your own words and express your opinion.

The talk is about a woman that fought for her freedom and for her rights in Saudi Arabia. In this country it is taboo that women drive cars. She broke this taboo, when she, tired for the harassments she had to face trying to find a ride back home, drove. This act caused two different reactions in the society; some attacking her and others given your supportive. In her country she was started receiving threats of die and rape. While out her country she received the support and admiration of men and women of different countries.
In my opinion, this type of sexist rules only generates more injustices and represses the liberty of the people. But both that all us know this injustices, none does some for change this situation. It's for this reason that the talk of this woman; her story and her courage for go in the opposite the established, that I feel inspired for she. I think that if we liberate of this type of manners and rules that we have so immersed in the unconscious of our minds like society, us we could evolve like human race. Because our genres shouldn't define that we can do.

And if we want equality into society, we should treat us like equal persons; regardless genre.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Movie Review

Name of Movie: Earth 2100

Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie.  (50 words)

The movie is a projection of what can happen if we are continues with the bad practices about the planet Earth. The topics that about the movie are related to the impact that the human causes at the planet; this is misuse of energy resources, climate change caused by the emission of gases, overpopulation, extinction of many species, etc.

Write a review (200 words) of the video.  Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.
In the movie is told facts that are happening in a virtual future, these facts happen parallel the life of a fictitious storyteller: Lucy. She is a woman that born on 2009, she lives in the suburbs of Miami. Years later Miami is hit by Linda hurricane, killing thousands of people. In this moment Lucy and her parents move to San Diego. In this place she meets her husband Josh. For this time the planet had already changed quite; the planet was constantly hit by natural disasters, so many people died and the survivors emigrated, leaving many ghost towns, also many species of fauna and flora it had extinguished and the water, a vital resource, had just.
This movie is a very good example of what can happen if we don’t become aware of the impact that human activity causes. Remember that the movie begin with the opposition of the representative of China at the new environmental laws. Decisions like this can change the future of the planet.
Like a geographer, I can tell that this problem could have been avoided through sustainable public politics, favoring clean and renewable energy, waste recycling, protecting natural resources and thinking of new generations.

List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.

1. One of the facts that I liked went the analogy between the frog and human, because sample that the human and the frog doesn’t realize that climate changes occurring around them, however suit these.

2. Another fact that I find relevant in the movie was when the representative of China rejected the public politics of environmental protection, this produced very negative consequences, in the long run destroy the planet.

3.  Finally, another fact that I liked was the end of the movie, as it shows the possibility of correcting the mistakes of the past. Because even though the planet was being destroyed was possible to reconstruct through a more sustainable vision of the planet.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


Hi! Is my first time in a website like this. I hope to write about my personal interests and my hobbies :)